Monday 2 December 2013


I know... it's December.

We seem to have spent most of November being poorly. I think we've had about five illnesses between the three of us. Grr!

You can see the (empty) tissue box in the background of this photo! Our bedroom floor is covered in Asher's books and toys because we've had so many afternoons where all we've wanted to do is crawl into bed, so we've tried to entertain the baby there.

He's been ill too - high temperatures - and this morning he woke up covered in a bright red rash which I thought might be chicken pox. But the doctor said it was nothing - just a result of the viral infection he's had. His poor little face is covered in spots.

Here he is a few weeks ago, enjoying reading Penguin. He's really into his books at the moment. Although he likes to turn the pages a bit faster than I can read the words, so it's usually just a quick description of what we can see as the pictures flash by.

He lies on the floor and reads by himself, too. It's pretty cute.

As for the swings... they haven't been such a hit lately!

Finding things to stand up on, though - that's good fun. He can stand without holding on for a couple of seconds, but he doesn't really like to! And although he can manage to walk using the push-along walker, he far prefers to hold my fingers and drag me around the house.

Another favourite game is to pull the half-dry washing off the banisters and throw it down the stairs. (In fact I'm going to have to stop hanging it there). He's also started crawling to the top of the stairs and looking over the edge. We've bought stairgates but haven't installed them yet (I didn't realise when I ordered them that it involves drilling into the walls). We'll have to sort it soon though!

That cheeky smile. And those little curls! Noah wants to give him a haircut. I say no way!

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