Wednesday 3 July 2013

Trains and Pushchairs

It's a bit long since I updated the blog... sorry! We've been busy over here! (Mostly cleaning the high chair and vacuuming the floor. Exciting stuff.)

Last week, though, Asher and I had an adventure. We went on the train to London to visit some friends. Asher has been on the train before, but he seemed much more interested in the experience this time around. Here he is waiting at the station:

"Is that our train, Mum?"
Lots of people were very kind, offering assistance to get the pushchair on and off trains. (I was glad of this because sometimes the gap between the train and the platform is quite formidable). Of course Asher wanted feeding at the station where we changed trains. He's pretty speedy these days so that wasn't a problem, but every time a train arrived or left he had to turn his head to see what all the noise was about.

We had a lovely day in London walking in the park, eating salad, rolling around on the floor (Asher, not me) and enjoying hot chocolate in a cafe (me, not Asher). Ash sat in his baby friend's high chair (thanks Ellen!) and ate tomato for the first time.

It was deliciously messy!

"Here Mum, you try some!"
We almost had a catastrophe on the way home. The train was really busy and there were no seats - in fact we shared the little train corridor with another mum-with-pram as well as a few people standing up. This was fine whilst Asher was asleep, but then he woke up and wanted to come out. I held him for a while and he started to fuss - of course, he was hungry. I pondered for about five minutes, wondering whether I could sit on the train floor and feed him. Eventually I decided I'd have to - I thought we weren't due to arrive for at least 10 minutes and he was getting seriously grumpy. So we sat down on the floor and he'd just started feeding when the train started to slow down. Alas! I had my timings wrong and we pulled into St Albans as I hurriedly stood up and tried to sort out my underwear situation. There was no chance of getting Asher back into the pram in time. Fortunately the other passengers were really helpful and one of them lifted the pushchair onto the platform for me so I could just keep hold of Asher. It's funny, one of my most prevailing memories of childhood is of strangers offering to help my mum on/off buses and trains with the pushchair. It's kind of nice that people still do it!

We had another train adventure on Monday - but more on that later :)

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