Friday 20 September 2013

Go, baby, go!

So the other day me and Noah had a blue ice cream. (Cotton candy flavour, by the way - available from a Millie's Cookies stand near you. It was delicious!)

As you can probably tell, Asher was pretty keen to try it. (You may not be able to tell that he is actually in the sling here... no more arms-out wrapping for you, baby boy!)

Of course we let him have a little taste...

He liked it more than this face would suggest. Kept going for more (especially when I was holding it). I decided to try giving him a breadstick to hold instead - and was astonished that he happily devoured that and left us to enjoy our ice cream. Result!

The more long term legacy of this experience, however, is Asher's constant desire to be turned upside down. When he's in the sling now he will, without warning, launch himself backwards. What he wants me to do is bend over and swing him from side to side. This results in a wide-mouthed grin/laugh/squeal of delight, displaying all six (6!) of his tiny teeth (two have only just broken through, so they're *very* tiny).

When not upside down Asher can mostly be found stalking the cat (albeit very inexpertly) and pulling himself into a standing position on anything and everything (including one time Noah's chest hair... ouch). He's discovered that the kitchen cupboards can open and close and is enjoying further investigation of this phenomenon. When he's supposed to be napping he plays peekaboo with the blankets. And he's starting to turn the pages and lift the flaps when we read Dear Zoo to him. He holds our fingers and walks (no, runs!) up and down the corridor and round and round the living room.

Go, baby, go!

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