Friday 29 November 2013


Asher has been saying "ka!" a lot. With enthusiasm and excitement, and usually when he can see Marmite. (The pet, not the spread). He seems to be doing it purposefully.

I'm not sure it counts as a word, but it's certainly the closest he's come yet. He did it for the first time on Tuesday - a loud clear "ka!" when the cat came into the room - and Noah and me both stopped in our tracks, wanting to believe it was intentional but not really sure.

We're his adoring parents, so we gave him the benefit of the doubt.

PS Since the last post we've had about five different illnesses between the three of us. We seem to be mostly better today, although Asher has had a high temperature again. I really hope it's not the start of another bug/cold/infection.

1 comment:

  1. I reckon it is, well done Asher! I've heard that cat is quite a popular first word :-)
