Monday, 27 January 2014


What happens when you give a one-year-old edible paint?

He eats it, of course!

He was interested, but didn't actually do any painting at all (I smeared some on the paper but he would not follow suit). The paintbrush was treated as a new kind of spoon. He had a mouthful or two, then started to cry (probably because the paint is just a thick cornflour paste with food colouring, so I imagine it's pretty disgusting to eat).

We'll try again another time (but maybe we won't bother with paper!)

In other news... he's walking!!

At the moment it's just fairly short inter-parental traverses, but he's getting more confident all the time. Watch out, Cat. Watch out, World. Asher is coming!


  1. Really looking forward to seeing you all at the weekend: good to be warned about the walking! :)

  2. Go Asher! We had the same problem with edible paint, sounds like it was the same one as well.

    1. I complained about it to Noah and he said something like "Don't be silly, one year olds don't do painting." Whilst I'm sure there are some one year olds who do paint, it's good to be reminded to take things at Asher's pace and just offer him opportunities rather than having expectations of what he's going to do! Next time I'll skip the paintbrushes and just let him smear it around with his hands (probably all over his clothes).
