Friday 18 December 2009

A sad lack of snowmen

Well, it happened. At least, it mostly happened. Lectures were cancelled today on account of the snow (only a thin covering in Scarborough, but presumably it made for a difficult journey for everybody travelling from afar). Unfortunately, though, the telephone tree was not entirely effective, and about fifteen of us arrived, cold and soggy, for maths at 9am. Half an hour of division later, we went home again.

It really was a bit of an anticlimax. After an exhausting term, it might have been nice to see our coursemates, wish everybody a happy Christmas, that kind of thing. But we just slid our way home through the slush, and sloped off to start packing our bags early. (Well, not me, because I'm sticking around until Monday, but a lot of the PGs have headed home already).

Somehow the snow is making me feel less Christmassy. Yeah, you get snow around Christmas in films - but it's always clean and fresh, and generally involves outdoor ice-rinks with pretty people gliding gracefully around them. Quite a contrast to streets full of slush, soggy trouser legs and disinclination for excursions which we get in the real world. I haven't even seen a single snowman!

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