Wednesday 16 December 2009


I guess university is more tiring than school. There certainly seems to be a lot of work to do at the moment. Today we had an entire day of child protection training: necessary of course, but kind of intense. Although I have to confess that the part that affected me most was the description of one child's hospital visit. I've always been quite squeamish about descriptions of injuries and people's insides, but I seem to be getting worse as I get older. Last year I tried to attend a day-long first aid course, but half an hour in I found myself feeling quite queasy - then very queasy - then panicky - then crawling from the room, scarcely able to see or hear anything. They sent me home on the bus. It's most embarrassing (not to mention highly inconvenient) but it's getting so bad now that even thinking a situation might cause me to go faint causes me to go faint...

Anyway. It's also been raining for about two days now (coinciding almost exactly with the length of time Noah has been out of the country: how Romantic of the weather to indulge me in the illusion of pathetic fallacy). I'm a little jealous, for I understand that some parts of our nation have experienced the delights of a form of precipitation whiter, gentler, colder and altogether more fun.

It's forecast to snow up here too though. In fact yesterday in university some of my fellow students were hopefully compiling a telephone tree - you know, just in case they have to close the campus. Which, of course, we all dutifully hope won't have to happen.


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