Thursday 20 December 2012

On Maternity Leave

I've been on maternity leave for nearly three weeks now. So far there's still no sign of the baby (apart from some pretty vicious kicks of course) - but we are still ten days away from the due date. Noah is pretty disappointed that our offspring has missed not one but two cool birthdays (12/12/12 and 20/12/2012) and is now hoping it will be born on the 27th (not, I think, for any particular reason). Myself, I'm just hoping he or she doesn't go for Christmas Day: it must surely be a rubbish day to have a birthday.* Before or after would be just fine.

Anyway. The house is relatively tidy. I think my 'nesting instinct' has just about propelled me into doing about as much housework as the average person might do during an ordinary week! But the baby's room is (almost) ready, the tiny clothes have all been washed and the hospital bag is packed and ready. We even have a Christmas tree, and a paper chain, and all the presents are wrapped - surely the earliest I've ever achieved that particular goal.

As for the pleasing photos... it's been a while! I'm going to start again in January and see if I can keep it up for longer next year. I would not be remotely surprised if a certain baby were to feature in the majority of next year's photographic offerings - all the better for keeping distant grandparents in touch :)

More to follow when something interesting happens!

* Me being selfish really. I love Christmas too much... my traditional Christmas experience takes up the entire day and I can't work out how we'd squeeze in proper birthday time for the poor child!

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