Saturday 29 December 2012


Waiting for a baby is a bit like queueing for a rollercoaster*.

First, the excitement of finally being in the queue, knowing what's coming up: you know it's going to be both fun and scary but you're not there yet. Lots of joking and laughing as you get ready for what's coming.

Then, you kind of get used to being in the queue... you get on with it; it's not particularly interesting but you know it will be worth it in the end. You know roughly how long it's going to take, but not exactly. At times it seems like you have to wait for years!

At last you approach the end of the queue. You can see where people are getting on and suddenly the fear and the excitement are multiplied. It's about to happen! But still you have to wait... you're still not sure exactly when it will be your turn.

And then... you're sitting down. You're strapped in. The rollercoaster is going and there's nothing you can do to stop it!

I reckon at the moment I'm nearing the turnstiles at the end of the queue. I can see that I'll be getting on that ride any minute now. People have told me what it's like but I still don't know for myself. I'm extremely excited but also quite scared. I wish I could just rush forward and say "Now!" but I know I have to keep waiting for my turn.

Come on, baby. I want you to wait until you're ready, but... I really hope you're ready soon!

*No, I don't mean because both make you feel sick...


  1. Good luck when the rollercoaster begins, childbirth is the most painful but absolutley the most rewarding thing I have ever done!


    1. Thanks! I'm kind of looking forward to it, even though I gather it's more than a little uncomfortable... and of course I'm looking forward to finally meeting our baby :)
