Sunday 9 June 2013


We gave Asher some food!

I think he liked it.

His first food was chosen by the youth at church (all the Pathfinders had a chance to vote on it). They felt that avocado as a first food was most likely to result in a strong, healthy and altogether awesome teenager, so that's what we went for.

He actually found it pretty difficult to pick up, or at least to keep hold of. It kept slipping out of his fingers as he tried to put it in his mouth. Lots got squidged onto his hands and he sucked it off for a while. Then eventually he managed to grab a piece and poke the end into his mouth. He chewed... then gave a huge smile! Then chewed some more. So, I think he liked it.

Afterwards we were eating strawberries and cream, so we gave him a strawberry.

It quickly got squashed.

Ash decided that a much easier option than picking the strawberry up would be to lean down and hoover it off the highchair tray with his mouth. Which was precisely what he did. He came up with a bit of strawberry dangling down his chin. Charming! This time he pulled an "eating lemons" kind of face - but he kept chewing, so he must have liked that too.

This is what he looked like after his meal:

Still sucking avocado off his fingers!
You can't even see his sleeves in the picture. Seriously, they were caked in avocado. They practically turned green! We do have bibs, but I'm not sure how helpful they'll be... I think an entire eating outfit would be more useful :D

I am also going to buy a piece of PVC coated fabric to put down under his highchair. That way we can give back the bits that go on the floor. It might also make cleaning up afterwards a tad easier...

This is going to be FUN!


  1. You can get bibs with long sleeves, that might help :o) I've got the baby led weaning book if you'd like to borrow it.

    1. Thanks Katy! I've requested it from the library but even though there are loads of copies it seems really popular so I haven't got it yet. I know we're starting a bit early but I couldn't work out why BLW had to only be from 6 months as long as you give appropriate foods - although I guess the point of it is to give your baby anything you eat, so maybe that's why.
