Monday 3 June 2013

Up North

Last weekend we went up North to visit the Johnian Contingent. (You might wonder why we were invited, as none of us are technically Johnians. It's a long story.) They don't all live up North, of course, but that's where the meeting was held. And we had a lovely time!

Asher enjoyed another ride in the baby backpack when we went for a little tour of the domain.

Noah enjoyed carrying him too - even when we climbed up the hill opposite the house. It was windy and heathery and we had to duck under a huge holly tree. Noah took care to avoid Asher's face coming into contact with any overhanging greenery (a task made much more difficult by Asher's determination to grab and chew on anything and everything).

Claire, Matthew and Ian surveyed the estate:

Meanwhile, the Mitchells attempted a family photo:

Oh yeah.

This was (by quite a small margin) the furthest North Asher has ever been. Also I guess technically his first hill... although I don't think it has a name. His enjoyment of the whole experience bodes well for the Lake District holiday we have planned for August. Hooray!


  1. It was lovely to see you, and meet Asher: thanks for coming up! The hill, incidentally, is Broom Hill.

    1. We had a great time. Thanks for having us!

  2. Lake District in August? Perhaps we could meet up! It would be lovely to see you :)

    1. Yes! That would be lovely indeed :) I was hoping you might be available one day. We're staying in Ambleside for a week (24th-31st August) so let me know if you'd like to come and join us for a day, or we might be able to come and visit you on our way there or back as we'd be going through Kendal anyway I think.
