Sunday 4 August 2013

Evening out!

Saturday night was my first ever evening away from Asher. After dinner, bath and his bedtime routine I cycled to Sidney Sussex for the evening reception of Tim and Liz's wedding. Asher was left in the very capable care of his grandma who did an admirable job, reassuring me by text that all was peaceful. Indeed I felt sufficiently relaxed about the situation to dance every dance at the ceilidh - and I had a great time. I also really enjoyed walking home under the stars. I haven't seen stars for months!

When I got home Asher had been awake for a few minutes but Mum was doing a wonderful job of keeping him calm with cuddles and shushing.

My first ever evening out as a mum! I deem it a success :)


  1. Yay, well done all of you!

  2. Was lovely to see you and Asher; excellent work balancing everything!
