Saturday 26 October 2013

October Moments

As it happens, I don't tend to carry my camera very often when I'm just out and about with Asher. (I'm too busy carrying the baby, plus the bag full of nappies, waterproofs, water bottle, emergency change of clothes and whatever books and toys are deemed necessary for that day's entertainment). But I can take photos with my phone. They're not going to win any photography awards, but I love these snaps because they capture day to day life with my baby. Here's what's been happening over the past few weeks:

Bedtime story with Daddy. Asher insists on turning all the pages himself.

Sleepy face in the morning sunshine

Undaunted by the impressive slices of tomato in the salad at Ikea

Banging on windows. A favourite occupation.

Playing with a ball and a big box

... I actually have no idea what was going on here...

Sleeping in the sling

Exploring... and getting slightly stuck!

Playing with ALL of the tupperware boxes whilst Mummy cooks tea

Wait a second... that's not a swing!!

Looking adorable (as always)

Spotting Mummy in the mirror

Ash-man to the rescue!

Enjoying his first experience of soft play

Riding on Mummy's back and looking over her shoulder. Saw lots of dogs. Win.
(Yes. Mummy is terrible at selfies.)

Loving the touch and feel version of Dear Zoo from the library.
(Very curious here about the lion's mouth/hole in page)

And today: a first ever taste of chocolate cake in Thornton's cafe.

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