Saturday 5 October 2013

What Asher would say if he could?

Just a few grainy, blurry phone snaps which give an idea of what day to day life is like for young master Ash.

"Yay! Look at all the things I could grab while I'm in here!"

"Oooh, she left the door open. Maybe I can escape!"

"I'm the size-changing wonder baby. MASSIVE when Grandma wears me in the sling...

... and tiny when it's Daddy!"

"Hmmm. I wonder if I could pull these down? Then I could chew on them!"

"Where are we, Mummy?"

"I must not let go of my car seat handle."

"Hmmm. I wonder if I could pull these down? Then I could chew on them too!"

"OOOOH! CDs! If I pull them out, I can chew on them AS WELL!"

"Oh yeah! Something to CHEW on!"

"I wonder why Daddy has collapsed in a heap on the floor. Oh well, might as well climb on him."

"Why does Mum keep putting things on my head? I won't tolerate it when I wake up, you know." 

"The cat! The cat! THE CAT!!!!"

"Wheeeee! I love nap time!!"

"Swings might be my absolute favourite invention ever."

"Hey, look everybody - I can chew on this!!!"

"I know this drawer has scissors inside. Why do you think I'm opening it?" *

"Right, time to chew on this ch- wait! Is that the cat?"

"Everybody say awwww"


"Every day should involve a swing."

"What do you mean I'm supposed to stack them? Clearly these clever magnetic bugs are for chewing on."
*Don't worry, I have since removed the scissors. In fact I took everything out of all the drawers and replaced the contents with baby safe objects from around the house. Since then Asher has shown considerably less interest in opening them...

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