Sunday 27 November 2011

My First Sew (and a question)

I'm not feeling very well today. Or yesterday for that matter, when Noah and I ventured into Hemel Hempstead in the hope of finding suitable Christmas presents for various relatives. Because we've had Thanksgiving now, and Noah says that's when we're allowed to start thinking about Christmas. Good thing too, as we'll be leaving for Florida in less than three weeks!!

But today all I feel like doing is sleeping. No sewing all weekend!

So here are some old photos of my yellow skirt. (Notice the crumbs...? Noah took this when he was messing around with my camera after a picnic lunch in the garden one Sunday!)

It's the first garment I ever made, back in September before we got the sewing machine, so it's all done by hand. I also invented the pattern myself by copying from a skirt I liked. I didn't really know what seam allowance was so I added way more than I needed to, then couldn't work out where I should sew my seams. In short it's a miracle that I can wear it at all! But I do, even though the waistband is way too wide at the top and some of the stitching is starting to look a bit old already. I wear it because it's such a lovely bright yellow colour. I wear it because it's a skirt with pockets (yay!) - and mainly I wear it because I made it myself, darn it, and I'm proud of that :)

Me and Noah just after his Christmas-present-trial-aeroplane-flight... just as proof that my entirely hand-sewn skirt is game for all kinds of adventure!

And one of those classy 'proof it has pockets' pictures that you always see on pattern envelopes. (I made the green stripy t-shirt too. Definitely got the sewing bug!)

So here's the question: do you wear stuff even if it didn't turn out very well? Does creating something for yourself make you oh-so-proud even if it's not perfect? Or does it have to be just right before it gets taken out into public?

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