Tuesday 15 January 2013


Getting a daily photo was something of a challenge on Sunday. This was because Asher's sleeping schedule is as follows:

10pm - midnight: wakeful cuddles with Grandma
midnight - 4am: feed constantly, refusing to be put down for more than ten minutes
4am - 5am: be soothed by Daddy (having utterly exhausted Mummy's physical capacity)
5am - 10am: sleep soundly and have to be wakened (with some effort on Mummy's part) to feed

In consequence we didn't make it to church (although I had been hoping to) and spent much of the morning in a very drowsy state. Asher had a visitor at lunchtime, and by the time we picked up the camera it was getting dark. Anyway... here's the best one:

Asher spent much of Sunday evening awake so we thought that he might be more sleepy in the evening. No such luck! According to Penelope Leach, new babies sleep exactly the amount that their own physiology tells them to and "there is nothing that you can do to make your baby sleep more than this amount and nothing that the baby can do to sleep less". So I guess we're living with the sleepless nights for a while. Good job Grandma is here at the moment so that I can sleep during evening cuddle time!

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