Monday 21 January 2013

Two Weeks

We've been parents for two weeks already.

In some ways, Asher has changed a lot since he was born. He looks much bigger - less skinny and bony, and more like a real chubby baby. His arms and legs have started to stretch out and he already has a powerful grip (although I doubt he knows he's using it). He seems to have been sleeping more in his second week - though still not when we want him to, and still preferably in somebody's arms!

Two weeks ago: much more wrinkly and bundled up
Yesterday: more hair and chubbier cheeks
In other ways, looking after Asher is much the same. His feeding and sleeping schedule still seem to be totally random - sometimes he goes an hour between feeds, sometimes as many as six hours (and then we have to wake him up). Sometimes he feeds for ten minutes, sometimes an hour and a half. Sometimes he'll be awake, alert, and looking at things for an hour or two; other times he'll spend most of the day asleep. It's so confusing taking care of him! Every time I take the opportunity of his napping to try and sleep myself, he seems to wake up straight away - yet at the moment he's slumbering peacefully in his pram and has been doing so for at least an hour.

Earlier today with his Uncle Ned
Google is not my friend in this task, either! It's so easy to spend hours looking up his behaviour online, trying to see whether it's 'normal' and what I should be doing about it. But everybody seems to have something different to say. Or I feel like I am following the advice, to no avail. Better to stay away from that search box, I guess, and just concentrate on loving Asher.


  1. The best advice I got when I had my eldest was to not listen to advise or books and follow your instincts. I have to say it was the best advise as babies are confusing and totally unpredictable little things :)

  2. I think I'm inclined to agree! The best book I've read yet said to ignore all the advice (including that in the book itself) if it went against your own instincts.
