Friday 11 January 2013

Three days

Our son is three days old.*

Asher with his daddy on day 2

Asher James was born at 2:39 on Monday morning, weighing 8lb 6oz.

Special things about the first few days:

The top of Asher's head, with its little bit of downy black hair, is the softest thing ever. I can't stop stroking it!

He has beautiful steel-grey eyes which are open surprisingly often, just looking at things. For his first 12 hours in the hospital he hardly slept - just lay and looked at us peacefully.

Just after he was born the midwife gave him to me to hold. She asked if we knew his name. Noah said no, because we hadn't officially decided, but as soon as he looked up at me I just knew that his name was Asher. Fortunately Noah thought the same!

Look at those lovely eyes!

*OK, so he's four days old now... but it was three days when I wrote this! Looking after babies takes up a lot of time...


  1. Congratulations, Asher is gorgeous!


  2. Asher is beautiful congratulations! The blog is great and has inspired me to start sewing again. Thank you.
