Saturday 23 March 2013


First of all... I love this photo! (Even though it's not really in focus):

OK, right. Let's talk about Asher's favourite toys. As you know, he's into things that dangle at the moment. He likes his play arch and the dangly toys on his bouncy chair. But it's also fun to show him different materials and see what he makes of them.

He enjoyed this piece of foil, enticed by the changing reflections and the crisp tinkly rustling noise it made as I waved it. He soon discovered that he could replicate both effects by hitting the foil and played for a good few minutes.

After a few play times, though, the foil got boring. "Come on Mum! I know all about foil now! Show me something new already!"

So we progressed to  strip of red paper.

The biggest excitement here was that, when I put the paper in his hand, Ash actually held onto it,  staring at it intently and moving it around. Of course he tried to put it in his mouth...

"Yum! Paper!"
But succeeded only in poking his own face with it...

And dropped the paper, ready for a new game.

"What shall we do now, Mum?"
Doesn't he look grown up in that last photo?

What else should I give him to play with?


  1. Ellen loves a a plastic bag, have you tried that? Or terry towelling.

  2. Loving the captions
    - Dad
