Wednesday 21 October 2009


It's a shoes-stuffed-with-newspaper kind of evening here in Scarborough. I've had a good day at school, and I'm happily sitting in the (relative) warmth of my flat, thinking wistfully about hot chocolate...

I'm glad it's raining. I like it when it rains. I couldn't quite say why, but I think it's something to do with the way it proves that we don't have complete control over nature. When it rains, we get wet! That's kind of exciting. I get the same sort of feeling when I look at the sea, or stand on top of a mountain and hear that strange silence you get up in the hills, and feel the strong wind.

We used to have a great picture book when we were little. It was just called Rain, and there were no words inside, but beautiful illustrations of two children whose mum puts them into their wellies and raincoats and sends them out for a wet walk. At the end they come back home and have a steaming hot bath. If only I didn't have an assignment to write... today would be a fine day for just such a walk! But, alas, to educational theory I must turn.

Hmm, maybe I'll go and make that hot chocolate first.

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