Sunday 11 October 2009


Why is it that one good night of sleep, followed by an entire day of feeling awake and not tired, almost always results in insomnia the following night? I finally managed to wake up this morning (after ten hours asleep!) without feeling that the thing I most wanted to do was to crawl straight back into my bed and curl up under the covers. I had an entire day of not feeling tired! I did some work and took my library books back, and bought about a million file dividers. In the evening I went out for a while with some PGCE people. It was nice to see everybody, but there was a lot of alcohol... so I sloped off quite early and came home to talk to Noah. Then, feeling pleasantly sleepy, I headed to bed. But alas! It was an illusory somnolence! Here I am a couple of hours later, wide awake, drinking hot chocolate and trying to write something coherent about Vygotsky. It's not fair!

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