Wednesday 27 February 2013

Moving the Giraffe

The week's planned activities are going reasonably well. I managed to have a bath on Monday, which definitely counts as rest. And I've started making the pram mobile.* But I'm not sure how much further I'll get; we're taking Asher on his first overnight trip on Friday. And of course it's not to somewhere simple, like somebody's house... nope, our first two nights away with the baby will be on a youth weekend in a Scout centre. I'm even supposed to deliver one of the talks!

On top of which, my free time today looked a lot like this:

Which is to say that I've had Asher strapped to me in the sling. Lovely for both of us, and it does enable me to get some stuff done if he goes to sleep. But some things are tricky (e.g. bending over to look for glitter, which is in the box at the bottom of the stack). It's kind of like being pregnant again, except that I have to get up and do a bit of dancing every ten minutes to stop him waking up...

Later we played our new favourite game. I call it Moving the Giraffe.

Here's what happens. Asher sits in the bouncy chair (thanks for the loan, Sarah!) and I tie a piece of string to the leg of the dangling giraffe (chain link toys work too, as pictured). Then I persuade Ash to open his hand and close it again around the string. Consequently, when he does his little baby arm wriggles, the giraffe moves.

My job is to say things like "Hooray! You moved the giraffe!" and "Did you see the giraffe move? You did that by moving your hand. Clever boy!"

I really don't think Asher has much idea what's happening but that doesn't matter: he's happy because he's getting lots of attention, and I'm happy because it feels like we're playing a game, even if we're not. So really, the only loser here is the giraffe.

* I'm using mobile as a noun here, with pram as a modifier, designating the intended location of said item. If it were the other way round, I guess that would be a pretty useless pram.