Monday 18 February 2013


This morning Asher and I did our usual morning thing: lots of feeding, a bit of charming time, getting dressed and telling him it was the morning. As usual he started to get grumpy around 10:30 so I thought I'd take him to the library to get him to go to sleep. (Not that he finds the library particularly soporific, but the motion of the pram is almost irresistibly soothing to him). However, Noah was working from home, and offered to whoosh him until I was ready to go.

And by the time I was ready to go, Asher was already asleep.

"He'll wake up in five minutes," I said confidently, and bundled him into his snowsuit, expecting a protesting squeal any moment.

But he stayed asleep.

This never happens.

I had him in the pram, all ready to go, but decided to stay at home and see how long he would sleep without the benefit of movement. I wandered over to my sewing table... and before I knew it I'd had time to make a money pouch (which we've needed for ages) and Asher was still asleep.

Here's what I made during Asher's (possibly first ever?) independent morning nap. I used this tutorial, and I messed it up a few times (when I came to turn it right side out I suddenly realised that a 2cm hole wasn't going to be big enough...) but I don't care - it works - and I'm excited to have had time to do something non baby related. More naps, please, Asher!

(I hope he wakes up soon though... I miss him!)

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